We have news. Zuora has announced its planned acquisition of Sub(x)
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Replace obsolete A/B testing with AI

Discover how Sub(x) Self-Learning AI Autopilot continuously optimises the next best offer and next best action to visitors across web and app, automatically maximising customer acquisition and revenue numbers over and over again.



A new generation of Self-Learning AI for customer acquisition and revenue

Trained on billions of impressions, our Self-Learning AI Autopilot, maximises paywall revenue, lead capture, subscription revenue, registrations and more, for forward-thinking marketing teams of leading global brands.
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Maximise the customer acquisition and revenue potential of every visit to your website and app

We understand the pressure to exceed your web and app customer acquisition and revenue targets. We also know the process of testing and optimising multiple marketing campaigns can be frustratingly manual and slow. We will remove that frustration for you and maximise your customer acquisition and revenue across one, some or all of your revenue streams.
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Exploit the new power of Self-Learning AI today

We give any size of marketing team new access to Self-Learning Autopilot technology without the complexity, and deliver the hidden value that this unlocks.

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Get the right message, to the right customer, at the right time

By delegating this task to Sub(x) Autopilot you can relax knowing you are maximising customer acqusition and revenue from every web and app visit.

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Transform your team’s productivity and creativity

Your team is freed up to focus on creative execution confident that Sub(x) Autopilot will maximise the potential impact of every marketing asset they create.

Why Sub(x)?

The Sub(x) AI models are powered by your historic and real-time first party data.
For our models there is no such thing as too much data or too many data sources. The more data the better. Our AI learns over time what works and optimises this for every customer journey to maximise for a range of key business outcomes. These could include volume into the funnel, average revenue per user or life time value, for example.
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    Why Self-Learning AI is vital to website marketing campaign optimisation

    Website customer journeys involve delivering multiple marketing messages over time. The challenge is to understand not only what message is the right one at a fixed moment in time but also what the right sequence of messaging is over a period of time. That's the job of a Self-Learning AI Autopilot.

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    Using Sub(x) Autopilot in the real world

    Much like Google Ads, Sub(x) Autopilot makes decisions about when to trigger your marketing message to what customer. Sub(x) enables you to create those marketing messages easily within our integrated AI-marketing platform and get new campaigns live on site in minutes.

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    Does Sub(x) work?

    It works. Our clients always experience double digit increases in customer acquisition and revenue after deployment of Sub(x) Autopilot. The result is confident marketing teams excited by their web and app customer acquisition and revenue performance and no longer intimidated by their targets.

With Autopilot you can be confident you're not leaving money on the table

Web and app customer acquisition and revenue targets come in many forms; paywall revenue, lead capture, subscription revenue, registrations etc. Sub(x) Autopilot maximises the potential across all of these with the minimum amount of time and effort.

Accelerate your activity

Deploying any marketing campaign into live often involves working with multiple different platforms, from your data analytics reporting to your content management systems. This last mile takes time to get right and reduces the speed at which you can operate. Sub(x) is an integrated marketing design and AI platform developed to solve this problem and help you do more faster.


Advance beyond A/B testing and experimentation

A/B testing works but has limitations. Multiple tests can become complicated to manage and the results are not always clear cut. Sub(x) Autopilot analyses your first party data to discover valuable patterns of customer behaviour in real-time that A/B testing might never uncover. The result is rapid, data led optimisation of your marketing campaigns and less time spent debating what to A/B test next and why.


Get continuous learning

One of the significant benefits of a Self-Learning Autopilot is that it improves in accuracy rapidly over time. The longer Sub(x) Autopilot is deployed on the more data it has to work with, including data from your other partners. The whole process becomes a virtuous circle of continuous optimisation and increasing customer acquisition and revenues.


Stay in control

The Sub(x) platform is not a ‘black box’. We provide you with smart reporting to unlock the rich first party data insights that AI reveals. Our easy-to-use customer journey parameter tools enable you to dictate your business rules that our Autopilot then conforms to. This means that at all times you remain in control and leverage advanced AI without the risk of losing transparency.

Three key benefits to accelerate your use of AI to generate customer acquisition and revenues

Integrated design and AI platform

Sub(x) comes complete with a fully integrated marketing design layer. Our platform is built to empower marketing teams to create marketing assets and get them live, fast.

No clashing marketing campaigns

Sub(x) Autopilot is zero-conflict by design meaning no more worrying about conflicting customer journeys and clashing marketing campaigns, leaving you free to focus on creating the right messaging and design.

AI as-a-service

Sub(x) is specifically designed to make minimal resource demands on your internal web and data teams. The result is rapid deployment and reduced resource costs.


Enhance your third-party integrations

Because Sub(x) sits on top of the nuts and bolts like customer data platforms, email sending, billing, invoicing, and subscription management, reporting and fulfillment systems we use and improve the data these services utilise to enhance every part of your business at each stage of the customer journey.
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Talk to us

Let's discuss how Sub(x) Automated AI can help you exceed your customer revenue targets.
Schedule a call

Contact Us

Labs Hawley Lock,

1 Water Lane

London, NW1 8NZ
